How to make money with Amazon


This post contains affiliate links which means that I will make a small commission if you purchase a product after clicking on any of them, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support.

Amazon doesn’t like when you mention the prices of products in blog posts; products change in price regularly. However, you can say if they are more or less expensive, and it’s safe to give a range, such as “this product costs less than $60.”  

I usually use Benable. It's a sight by invite only. Youget paid Cash back for recommended any products or services. I use Amazon links on Benable for pintrest instead of direct linking. Pintrest don't like it when you use direct linking. You can use direct linking with discretion. Or you can get banned for spamming direct link.

6. Use a Buy Now Button in Your Articles 

Adding “Buy Now” buttons or “Check It Out” buttons into your article have great conversion rates. Readers love to click them, and even if they don’t buy, the affiliate link stays active for 24 hours. 

At the end of the day, you have to get people onto Amazon. Even if they don’t buy your products you linked, you get a commission for 24 hours (30 days if they add the item to their cart). So, getting them on Amazon is the goal. 

Getting started with the Amazon affiliate program is easy, but make sure you get three sales within 90 days or you will have to start over again. That’s why many recommend waiting until you have traffic before putting the affiliate links into your content. Using these links are one of the best ways to start making an income while blogging.

Click on the image below for your Amazon Associate Program checklist! ↓

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