Please Look at This One More Time

Welcome aboard to ALL of our new Affiliates and Members who have joined this past week. With the absolute highest quality products in the home-based industry at prices that everyone can afford, the most powerful powerline driven marketing system on the planet, a very lucrative compensation plan, high-converting websites and videos to help you build, and an absolutely amazing team of people who continue to achieve, inspire, and change lives, it's no surprise that LiveGood is officially the FASTEST GROWING COMPANY in the industry.

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And is just the beginning.

Invite your friends, prospects, business partners, and anyone else to join our zoom call TONIGHT night at 8pm est. for our THURSDAY NIGHT Cutoff Day Opportunity Zoom.


On top of the state of the art website, incredible products, and killer compensation plan, the true POWER of our system comes from the importance and VALUE of our Cutoff Days.

Each and every Thursday night our system moves all the people who joined as a member throughout the week to the top of the powerline in the order that they preenrolled.

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That means it is VERY IMPORTANT to let your preenrollees and prospects know that they NEED to upgrade BEFORE midnight tonight so they don't lose out on their positioning in the powerline and their placement in the matrix.

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Our Vision for the Future

It means a lot to us that you recognize the value of our product, compensation plan, and all the tools we make available to help you build your team. As vitally important as those things are, we believe it's even more important to know that you are working with a team of people who are 100% committed to the success of every single person in the entire company, and to continuously provide new products and tools to help you build your team easier and faster than you ever have before.

When creating the LiveGood opportunity, we realized that we could be very successful marketing our life-changing products through any and every retail channel out there. But that was not our motivation. With a history of helping people make money from home in the network marketing industry, combined with a strong recognition that with the economy struggling the way it is right now, people NEED a solution. Families need a way to supplement their current income. People need help.

With that in mind, we created this company and this compensation plan to be the easiest and most lucrative way that the average person can FINALLY achieve success from home. And we are proving that more and more every single day.

So CONGRATULATIONS on recognizing our vision and our passion to make LiveGood the most successful company in the home based business world for years and years to come.

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And best of all, this is still just the beginning. NOW it's time to take it to the NEXT LEVEL.

How the Matrix Fills

The powerline is growing FAST. So what does that mean for YOU and your matrix? Here's how it works: Each Thursday night at midnight, everyone who has locked in their position in the powerline by becoming a Member moves to the TOP of the powerline above everyone who hesitates.

Those people are then placed in the matrix in the highest available position in the matrix under their enroller. That may be on their enrollers first level. It may be on their enroller's 8th level. Wherever the next open position is, that is where they are placed.

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We often get the question: How many of the people in my powerline will be under me in the matrix?

The answer is, there is no way to know. It all depends who enrolled the people under you in the powerline. If a lot of them were enrolled by people above you in the matrix, then some may be placed under you in the matrix. If few were enrolled by people above you in the matrix, you will likely see less.

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Don't expect anyone to be placed under you in the matrix the first month.

If it happens, great. If it doesn't, that's not uncommon. With only a few thousand people in the entire company right now, most are not going to be under you.

Keep in mind this. There is a FAST WAY to build your matrix and there is a SLOW WAY.

The SLOW WAY is to not enroll people and just wait for spillover. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that. If you don't want to build a team, and you just want to save some money on our life-changing products, that is 100% ok.

With MILLIONS of members expected to join LiveGood in the next few years, the ONLY place they can go is UNDER the members who are already in. But be patient. Spillover may not come this week or this month, but again, the only place fore everyone to go is under the ones who are already in there.

BUT, if you want to build the FAST WAY, and earn a LOT more money in the matrix and earn matching bonuses on potentially THOUSANDS of people in your team, there has never been an easier program to build than LiveGood.

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With the most powerful Powerline driven system in the industry, products that literally sell themselves, and a pricepoint that anyone can afford, even if you have never had success in network marketing before, YOU CAN DO THIS.

And even if it takes you a year or two to fill your matrix, and you're making $4,000, $8,000, or even $16,000 per month in the matrix PLUS matching bonuses on potentially hundreds or even thousands of others in your team, that is the focus.

So don't expect to see many people in your matrix your first few weeks if you haven't enrolled anyone. They will come. And if you want to fill it even faster and make more matching bonuses, tell a couple friends. If each person just enrolled 2 others, everyone's matrix would fill super fast.

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That said, if you see hundreds of people under you in your powerline, and none fall under you in the matrix, don't get frustrated. That is not a bad thing. It just means the spillover hasn't reached you yet. Once it does, it fills FAST.

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So let's get your two, get to Bronze rank, order some of our amazing life-changing products, and let's rock.

Invite your prospects and join us TONIGHT for our LIVE OVERVIEW Presentation

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The Live Stream starts at 5:00 pm pst/ 8:00 pm est.


Click on the LIVE Video

* Be sure to login a few minutes early so you don't miss any exciting information

In the meantime, if you'd like to get a head start and watch last week's powerful zoom, check it out here: YouTube

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