
Attention: Email marketers who want to make-money and save-time.

Our exciting new, fully automated Mailer helps you quickly set up your email campaigns, and then walk away and forget them. And it's as simple as 1,2,3. * You enter up to 5 ads. * You enter 3 subject lines for each ad. * You select the ad you want to send now and hit send. Here is what happens. Walk Away Mailer will take your email and auto-mail it to our huge list. Two days later we will send the same ad with your second subject line. Two days after that we will send the same ad with your third subject line. After your third ad has been auto-mailed you login the day after and select the next ad you want to auto-send and the process starts all over again. With the 5 ads you entered originally you only need to login 4 days a month to do an entire months mailing. "So What will do do with all that extra time you just saved?" It's a nice problem to have, don't you think? Now I know some of you are thinking what if I have something urgent to send? Simple, you would u...

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